CSA District is Now Accepting Applications for Preschool & Kindergarten through High School
Charyl Stockwell Academy District schools - Kindergarten through High School - are free, no tuition public schools. Enrollment is open to all students between the ages of 5-18 who reside in the state of Michigan. CSA District accepts new student applications throughout the year.
Charyl Stockwell Montessori Academy, a private tuition-based preschool that is housed at CSA Elementary school, also accepts new student applications all year long.
CSA District schools offer a private school atmosphere that includes small class sizes, uniform dress code and a strong parent/school partnership. The schools are driven by a clear mission that incorporates high expectations for academic achievement and moral/character development.
For more information about CSA District schools, Kindergarten through High School, see Admissions FAQs and Admission Guidelines.
Request enrollment information below or contact the Admissions Coordinator at (810) 632-5473 / admissions@csaschool.org. We do not conduct online enrollment.
K-HS Admissions Frequently Asked Questions
What exactly is a charter school?
Charter schools (Kindergarten through High School) are independently operated, tuition-free public schools. Funding comes from state and federal tax dollars. Charter schools adhere to all of the same state and local rules and regulations, and meet the same academic requirements as traditional public schools and then have additional accountabilities. They are overseen by their charter authorizer (sponsor) and their school board, and are also held accountable by their parents. Charter schools must be non-sectarian and adhere to all state and federal educational, health and safety regulations.
How much is tuition?
CSA District schools, Kindergarten through High School, do not charge tuition. They are free, state-funded, public schools open to all students who reside in the state of Michigan.
How do I enroll my child?
Apply to CSA District schools, Kindergarten through High School, by filling out the Student Enrollment Application (one form per child). You can request the application by completing the Request Enrollment Information form for K-HS or by contacting the Admissions Coordinator at 810-632-5473 / admissions@csaschool.org. We do not conduct online enrollment.
Return the completed Student Enrollment Application (one per child) to us by:
Charyl Stockwell Academy, 9758 E. Highland Road, Howell, MI 48843
Attn: AdmissionsFax: 810-632-5586
Email containing scanned application to admissions@csaschool.org
Is my child guaranteed a seat if I submit an enrollment application?
CSA District schools, Kindergarten through High School, are public schools open to everyone. If we have enough seats available to accommodate all of the applications we receive during our Open Enrollment period (October through January), then your child will have a seat. If we receive more applications than we have seats, we will conduct a public lottery by a third party to fill the available seats. The names of children not drawn will be put onto a waitlist in the order they were drawn.
Applications received after Open Enrollment closes in January are placed on the waitlist in the order received. We are continually monitoring our student numbers, tracking any attrition (i.e. families moving out of the area/state, etc.) which would allow us to access the waitlist.
Are siblings guaranteed a seat?
Siblings of a currently enrolled student receive sibling preference on the waitlist. However, this is not a guarantee that a seat will become available
Admission Guidelines for K-HS
New students under the age of 18 years old must be enrolled into our schools by their parent or legal guardian. Incoming Kindergartners must be 5 years old on or before September 1 of the year in which they plan to attend. If your child does not meet the September 1 cutoff but will be 5 years old by December 1, you may complete a waiver. We will accept applications up to one year prior to the anticipated enrollment year.
Before enrolling, parents are invited and encouraged to participate in a guided tour of the Academy. The tour provides an opportunity to experience classes in session, our District’s teaching philosophies, and discover if our school is the best environment for your child. We offer tours to incoming Kindergartners and students who are next on the waitlist when there is a possibility of an opening.
New families must enroll their child/children on or before the last day of the annual Open Enrollment period which runs from October to January, to be eligible for inclusion in the lottery (if a lottery is held). The exact date of the start of Open Enrollment in October and the exact date of the close of Open Enrollment in January are announced to the public each fall. Waitlists do not roll over from year to year; students must reapply to be considered for the next school year. For more information about the annual Open Enrollment procedures, please contact the Admissions Coordinator at 810-632-5473.
During the month of January, all current CSA families must complete a re-enrollment form for their student(s) in order to maintain their seat for the next year. Reminders to return the form are posted electronically in our school newsletter. During this re-enrollment period, parents can indicate on the form their intent for additional sibling enrollment. Seats are filled subject to availability.
Parents/guardians must provide copies of the following forms for enrollment consideration:
Completed Enrollment Application Form
Court papers allocating parental rights and responsibilities, or custody (as appropriate)
Should a seat become available for your child, you will be required to provide the paperwork listed below as well as complete some internal forms:
Completed Release of Records Form
Completed Record of Discipline
Child’s original birth certificate
Current Health Appraisal Form with Immunization Record (or waiver)
Full and complete enrollment in CSA District schools is contingent upon the timely receipt and confirmation of the accuracy of the information submitted. A student’s enrollment cannot be confirmed until all records have been received and reviewed.
CSA District schools are Schools of Choice and as such, a student who has been suspended or expelled by another school or school district may be denied admission. CSA District’s Executive Director will facilitate a thorough review of the circumstances resulting in the suspension and/or expulsion and make a decision based on the discoveries.